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We bring history to life.


Access to advisory services is one of the exciting advantages of membership in the Council of Archives New Brunswick. Through an Archives Advisor and a Preservation Advisor, the Council is able to support and encourage the growth and maintenance of New Brunswick’s archival heritage. 

Reporting to the CANB Executive, the Archives Advisor:

  • Initiates and fosters relationships with member and potential member institutions

  • Conducts onsite training to staff and volunteers of archives across the province

  • Develops, organizes, and administers educational workshops and seminars

  • Assists member institutions in the application and reporting components of external funding programs

  • Provides professional and technical advice to member institutions in accordance with current archival standards, policies, and procedures.

  • Works with the Executive in support of the full range of Council activities including funding adjudication, membership, and meetings

  • Coordinates with the Preservation Advisory Service to identify member needs and priorities

  • Facilitates the upload of fonds descriptions from the CANBArchives database into Archives Canada

  • Promotes, encourages, or otherwise enables archives-specific community activities/events

  • Communicates with members and other heritage and cultural groups through several means including updating the Council’s website.

In conjunction with the Archives Advisor, CANB members also have access to a Preservation Advisor. 

Overall the goal of the CANB Preservation Services is to increase the capacity of CANB institutions to preserve their archival holdings. Services provided include: 


  • Educational opportunities: outreach, training, presentations, workshops

  • Preservation assessments: global and collection assessments to facilitate the institutions capacity to plan and implement preservation management strategies

  • Conservation treatments: provides access to a fully equipped paper conservation laboratory, and qualified staff

  • Holdings maintenance: access to stabilization treatments (cleaning, processing, boxing)

  • Micrographic Services: access to micrographics unit producing microfilms to ANSI standards.

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